Direita 1 Direita 2 Direita 3 Direita 4 Esquerda 1 Esquerda 2 Esquerda 3 Esquerda 4

team spirit,
intelligence and preparation

We cultivate a team spirit, stimulating the better development of our members from the moment they join us. We are very proud of each win based on individual efforts and talents, but we know that success is always the result of teamwork.
learn more about our firm
Grafismo Atuação

our practices

We specialize in defending the interests of individuals or legal entities, whether they are accused or victims, throughout the country. Our practice ranges from the investigative or pre-investigative stages (internal investigations, defensive investigations, police inquiries, various criminal procedures, etc.) to the final judicial instances (Federal Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice).

The work is done in a consultative (preparation of legal opinions) or contentious (defense or prosecution) manner and encompasses all criminal and criminal procedure legislation in the country.

Crimes against the national financial system

Crimes against the capital market

Money laundering crimes

Crimes against the economic order and tax crimes

Crimes against public administration

Bidding crimes

Crimes against the environment

Crimes against the popular economy

Crimes against consumer relations

Crimes against intellectual or industrial property

Bankruptcy crimes

Fraud crimes

Cyber crimes

Crimes against honor

Unfair competition crimes

Crimes provided for in the drug law

Traffic crimes

Crimes against life

Criminal misdemeanors

Crimes committed with domestic violence

Extradition and international cooperation in criminal matters

Appeals in criminal matters


Legal opinions

Practice before the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Court of Justice

Prosecution assistance

See all
Grafismo Equipe 1 Grafismo Equipe 2


Foto Entrevista de Rachel Amato e Nicole Ellovitch à Rádio Justiça sobre o crime de “stalking”


Rachel Lerner Amato - Nicole Ellovitch

Foto Entrevista de José Coêlho à Rádio Justiça sobre a denominada “Lei Romeu e Julieta”


José Roberto Coêlho Akutsu