We specialize in defending the interests of individuals or legal entities, whether they are accused or victims, throughout the country. Our practice ranges from the investigative or pre-investigative stages (internal investigations, defensive investigations, police inquiries, various criminal procedures, etc.) to the final judicial instances (Federal Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice).
The work is done in a consultative (preparation of legal opinions) or contentious (defense or prosecution) manner and encompasses all criminal and criminal procedure legislation in the country.
Boletim do Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais - ano 30 nº 351 - Fevereiro de 2022.
Estadão - 20 de dezembro de 2021.
José Roberto Coêlho Akutsu - Fernando Gardinali
Estadão - 2 de setembro de 2021.
Rachel Lerner Amato - Nicole Ellovitch